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  • Justin Honey

Drive Safe Discounts with IntelliDrive

Great news! There is now a new way to save money on your car insurance, thru the use of IntelliDrive, Travelers' telematics program. Now your safe driving can earn you savings that are permanent for the lifetime of your policy with Travelers.

IntelliDrive offers a personalized approach to rewarding your safe driving behaviors. Thru the mobile app, IntelliDrive will collection information about your driving habits that include how hard you brake, your speed, rapid acceleration, time of day you drive, and interaction with your phone (i.e. distracted driving). The safer you drive, the larger your discount becomes!

At policy sign-up (if you are a brand new client), in Indiana you'll receive a sign up discount of up to 10%. Then at future renewals, you can earn as much as 30% off permanently depending upon how well you drive.

Combine this with other great discounts that Travelers offers and you may find that Travelers is a great fit for your insurance needs.

Travelers is a top rated insurer with excellent financial ratings. Travelers also offers coverage for your Home, Apartment, Jewelry, Boats, Personal Liability (Umbrella) and more.

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